The world is beautiful, full of so many wonderful people and things, but the world is also hateful, bias, and unrealistically mean. If you are different than the circle of friends then the discomfort of those in the group won't give you a chance. Holding on to an idea with no basis, and claiming superiority because of skin color or races.
Not many years ago a man spoke of peace and equality...."We Shall Overcome". Now looking at this countries current state, and it seems that our current president has lost his way. Bullying his way through each and every conversation and situation once more causing division in our nation.
We the people must remember why this great nation exists. We must resist the temptation to cause harm to those that hold different views, and those who to seek to be her citizen. For in the end if the constitution fails, we will all live in a very hateful and dangerous world. Where little boys and girls will grow up where tolerance and inclusion don't exist, and love and hope fades into the abyss.
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