Sunday, May 21, 2017

Exploring Roles in the ECE Community

The first state organization that I chose to explore was Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning.  I chose this organization because it is important to make sure that program and services geared toward the care of young children are followed and adhered to for the safety and well-being of all young children and their families. Bright from the Start is responsible for meeting the child care and early education needs of Georgia’s children and their families. It administers the nationally recognized Georgia’s Pre-K Program, licenses child care centers and home-based child care, administers Georgia's Childcare and Parent Services (CAPS) program, federal nutrition programs, and manages Quality Rated, Georgia’s community powered child care rating system. They had a few employment opportunities, but I wouldn’t be interested in them at this time.

The second state organization that I chose is Georgia Association on Young Children.  I chose this organization because their vision is a world in which all young children have the learning opportunities they need for healthy development, supported by early childhood educators who have the education, financial support, and the recognition of their community. The Georgia Association on Young Children (GAYC) supports the education and development of Georgia’s young children ages birth – 8. GAYC is the Georgia affiliate of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and the Southern Early Childhood Association. I love the idea of having a local group that can advocate for our children.  I didn’t see any employment opportunities. However, they have several opportunities to volunteer. I would love to volunteer someday to get more involved in the policies that affect the children in my state.

The third state organization that I chose to explore was Strengthening Families Georgia.  I chose this organization because their vision is to make sure all families with children birth through age five in Georgia have the resources and support necessary for a meaningful and successful life. This is very important. One of their key goals is to help decision-makers understand the importance of supporting all families. I didn’t see any employment opportunities at this time.


Saturday, April 29, 2017

Reflecting on Learning

My most passionate hope for my future as an early childhood professional is that I am able to make a difference in the lives of the children and families I serve.  I want all families to know that they are accepted and respected regardless of their situation.  My main goal is to make sure I am meeting the needs of all levels of learners regardless of their background whether it is culturally or linguistically. I want to help every child understand that we are all different, but we each have unique talents.  The idea is to make sure all programs in early childhood are on the same page to be able to serve every family.  I will continue to create an environment that embraces diversity, and provide the necessary programs to help the children and families I serve. I will continue to advocate for the field.  I know that change will be a slow process, but it will come.  I would like to thank my colleagues for sharing a very meaningful learning experience. I have learned a lot about myself during this course.  The responses each week  really made me look at situations from a different standpoint.  I wish each of you much success in your future endeavors.

Saturday, April 22, 2017


I chose the Latin America and Caribbean region.  I chose this region because my daughter’s girl scout trooped researched Guyana for an event.  We learned a lot of valuable information about Guyana.  There are a lot of challenges that children in this region face. Poverty is a major stressor that affects a lot of children.  I know poverty affects a lot of countries, but I chose to explore the poverty issues in Guyana.  Guyana is one of the poorest countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.  Guyana has wealth of natural resources, including fertile agricultural land, minerals and large swaths of tropical forest.  It ranks 117th out of 187 countries on the United Nations Development Programme's Human Development Index, and is classified as a lower-middle-income country by the World Bank.  Approximately two-thirds of Guyanese citizens living in poverty, or 29% of the population, can be classified as being extremely poor. Most of the poor live in rural areas and work as agricultural laborers. Although Guyana’s farmers have access to adequate land resources, their productivity is extremely low.  It saddens me to know that countries such as Guyana experience poverty like this.  It really makes me appreciate the abundance of resources that we have in the US.  I hope that one day these same resources can be sent to places like Guyana to help eliminate some of the challenges the children face.


Sunday, April 16, 2017

The Sexualization of Early Childhood

In today’s society children’s identity information process are influenced by several different factors.  It’s very unfortunate that the blog assignment this week centers around the “sexualization of early childhood”.  It amazes me how much children are being exposed to sexualization.   I have a nine year old, and I am amazed at some the information I hear and see at her school.   There are more external factors present than there were back when I was a kid.  We have everything from radio, television, movies, toys, and technology that showcase sexualization.  It’s very sad that we live in a world where sex sells.  My daughter asked me last week why are all the models/actress skinny on television and in magazines.  I had to explain to her that females can be all shapes and sizes.  It’s unfortunate that mainstream society only see being very skinny as being beautiful.  I told her as she gets older she will understand more, but she has to embrace the body type that God gives her.  However, it is important to eat right and exercise to stay healthy and maintain a healthy weight.  I have noticed in all of the music videos every girl/boy hardly have on any clothes.  They are practically naked in these videos.  My husband and I were talking about how commercials have come a long way.  When we were growing up it was a big deal for ladies to be shown in their underwear. In this day and time that is the norm.

One of the boys in my daughter class came over to speak one day.  He advised me that another boy liked my daughter, and that he said she was sexy and cute.  I looked at him and said please tell me what sexy mean.  He shrugged him shoulders and started laughing. He thought I was trying to embarrass him but I really just wanted to know.  I explained to him that they are young an they will have plenty of time to think about that stuff.  I told them please stop focusing on videos, social medias and commercials, and stay focused on their work.

It’s our job as early childhood professionals to teach children to love and respect themselves.  It’s also equally important to remember who they are and to be true to themselves.  There are going to be negative influences no matter where you go.  However, it’s up to you to make the right decisions at all time.

 young children.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Evaluating Impacts on Professional Practice

If I were experiencing a specific -ism in my own life, I am sure the families I am working with would be affected tremendously.  I think I would be very emotional and not acting like myself.  I wear my emotions on my sleeve.  People can usually tell when something is bothering me.  I have never thought about how “-isms” help shape who we are on the inside and out. It amazing how “-isms” can affect us mentally and physically.  Unfortunately, some of the “-isms” we experience more than others because of people’s own biases. "All of us have learned biases about our own and other’s groups. Those biases act as filters that keep us from accurately seeing who we are and what is happening in front of us” (Derman-Sparks, 2010, p. 21).  I have learned that “isms” such as racism, sexism, and classism have informed and influenced my professional life as it relates to young children and their families by helping me better understand each one and how they affect everyday lives.  Although I may not agree with issues relating to a particular “ism”, I have to respect each person’s decision.  I can agree to disagree and move on.  “We must embrace disagreement and complexity as being fundamental to working with children, families and staff from diverse groups and in changing times” (Derman-Sparks & Edwards, 2010, p. 30).
In today’s society, unfortunately the learned behavior of racism happens a lot.  Children literally don’t see color.  I observed my daughter playing at her daycare a few weeks ago.  The class is very diverse.  They have Blacks, Whites, and a few Hispanics in her class.  They all play together without a second thought.  All they know is they are having fun together.  It’s very unfortunate that as they get older they will be exposed to some form of racism.  Sadly, racism is a learned behavior. It’s not deeply rooted into the individual displaying the behavior. However, it is a behavior that can be changed, but everyone involved has to be open to change. 

The understanding of racism and racial identity development can increase an adult's effectiveness in supporting children's positive identity development.  This is why as educators we have to be cognizant of what we say and do.  We are shaping the lives of children, and they are watching everything we do.  We have to “stand up” for children and families with regard to bias, prejudice, or discrimination because someone has to advocate for the children.  Children should be given positive messages and images, and we have to stand for what’s right.  Families and educators who stand up for what’s right will eventually change the mindset of others.  “Adults have the power to create, to teach, to maintain bias and to eliminate it” (Derman -Sparks & Edwards, 2010, p. 11).  As stated in the text, we have to teach children about diversity, and to respect themselves and others.  We are here to make a difference, and we must continue the fight for all children to understand racism and racial identity.


Derman-Sparks, L., & Edwards, J.O. (2010). Anti-bias education for young children and ourselves. Washington, DC: NAEYC.

Monday, March 27, 2017


I had the opportunity to observe a child and an adult while I was shopping in Walmart. I saw the child and the adult several times while I was shopping. The child appeared to be not listening to the adult several times.  The child and the adult ended up being in the same checkout lane. They were having a conversation about a toy the child wanted. I noticed the child was approximately four or five years of age.   This child has some good negotiating skills. She reminded me of my girls.  I couldn’t help but laugh and smile at the situation. The adult keep going back and forth with this child. The child was not taking no for an answer. The child started to through a temper tantrum.  The adult stood firm on her decision and talked to the child in a calm voice.  She was a little to calm in my opinion.  Everyone was looking at the child by this point. She told the child to get off the floor, and she wasn’t buying the toy.  However, she did give the child an opportunity to explain why she felt like she deserved the toy. The adult then explained to the child that if she was considering buying the toy her tantrum definitely changed her mind.
The whole conversation between the adult and the child was very interesting.  She allowed the child to plead her case, and she listened despite the tantrum.  I felt like it was effective because it was teaching the child that her thoughts and what she had to say was important. I feel like children should be able to express themselves to a certain point.  However, I don’t do tantrums at all and that doesn’t get you anything.  I believe the adult made the child feel important by allowing her to plead her case. I do applaud the adult for not giving in to the tantrum. The adult’s response was a great example of affirmed communication.
I grew up in a household where children should be seen and not heard. I wouldn’t dare have a tantrum over not getting a toy, or my mom would spank me in the store. While observing the adult and child communicating, I reflected on the way I communicate with the children in my class.  I always allow my children to explain a situation.  I also teach them that every situation will not make them happy.  They will not always get what they want, but by discussing the problem they will realize the answer is the best solution for the situation. I am a good listener at times. I always say I have selective hearing.  I can improve my listening skills with my children. It’s hard trying to listen to several children at one time without interruptions. I am learning slowly but surely.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Creating Affirming Environments

It’s very important to create learning environments that reflect the diversity of the children and families we work with.  It’s equally important to expand and deepen the understanding and respect for diversity. The understanding of diversity helps promote strong family-teacher relationships.  My vision for an anti-bias child care center would be one that displays diversity throughout the center as well as in the curriculum.  The creation of affirming environments are important because it will make all families feel welcomed.  At the beginning of the year the children would do a project titled my family and me.  They would use a poster board/construction paper to put pictures of them and their family. This project would be displayed around the classroom to represent all the families.  There would be pictures of Good Morning, Please, and Thank You in different languages posted around the classroom to represent family diversity.  To help understand different cultures, I would invite family members for a show and tell day at school.  I would also sets up days to do food tastings from around the world to show the different cultures presented in the class.  There would be pictures of all ethnic backgrounds posted around the classroom.  There would also be a wall that has different words and phrases in several languages.  The dramatic play/housekeeping area would have dolls of different ethnic backgrounds.  It would also have common items that different cultures use.  The book/literacy area would have pictures and words that reflect different cultures.  This area would also have books representing different cultures.  These books would be used to celebrate different ethnicities in the month they occur.  The play accessories would be universal.  I wouldn’t want any that depict a particular culture.  I would also like to celebrate a different culture each month by having a potluck with food exclusive to that culture.  The curriculum would cover various activities and have music in different languages.  The students would also learn numbers in Spanish during math time.  The steps toward anti-bias education will constantly mean the center will have to try new things to meet the diverse needs of learners.  However, every step in the right direction will bring me closer to pushing more people to become anti-bias educators.


Derman-Sparks, L., & Olsen Edwards, J. (2010). Anti-bias education for young children and ourselves. Washington, D.C.: National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).

Saturday, March 4, 2017

What I Have Learned

When I think about working with children and families from diverse background we have to be receptive to learning about different cultures, diversity, and be open and willing to help wherever needed.  If we are not given the opportunity to understand diversity, we will always have the same mindset. We have to make sure the curriculum displays diversity. We have to be willing to make the transition for families in early childhood education a little easier.

My goal I would like to set for the early childhood field is I want people to understand that equity and social justice are reachable goals when people are given the opportunity to understand diversity.  I was reading an article and the author asked “What does it mean to have a deep understanding of diversity, equity, and social justice?” I personally believe it means going beyond the surface to find out how diversity, equity, and social justice affect people around us. As you get to know a person on a deeper level, you get a better understanding of who they really are. If we don’t get to know a person beyond the surface, we will never learn about their culture or issues that affect them personally.  If we don’t take the time to get to know a person, we will continue to stereotype and prejudge.  This way of thinking will never get us to being open about issues that affect diversity, equity, and social justice.  We must change our mindset in order to see change.

I would like to thank my colleagues for providing helpful insights each week on the topics discussed.  This really helped me see some things from a different perspective.  I wish each of you much success on your future endeavors.  I am sure we will meet again.  Take care!

Sunday, February 26, 2017

"View of Reality"

Image result for picture about diversity

The world is beautiful, full of so many wonderful people and things, but the world is also hateful, bias, and unrealistically mean.  If you are different than the circle of friends then the discomfort of those in the group won't give you a chance.  Holding on to an idea with no basis, and claiming superiority because of skin color or races.

Not many years ago a man spoke of peace and equality...."We Shall Overcome". Now looking at this countries current state, and it seems that our current president has lost his way. Bullying his way through each and every conversation and situation once more causing division in our nation.

We the people must remember why this great nation exists. We must resist the temptation to cause harm to those that hold different views, and those who to seek to be her citizen. For in the end if the constitution fails, we will all live in a very hateful and dangerous world.  Where little boys and girls will grow up where tolerance and inclusion don't exist, and love and hope fades into the abyss.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

"We Don't Say Those Words in Class!"

 I was subbing for an autism class last week.  There is an overweight substitute teacher that comes to the school on a regular basis.  Her attire is not very neat mainly because  it’s probably hard for her to find clothes that fit. The clothes she wears are always a material that clings to her body, and you can really see how overweight she is.  I was taking three of the autism students to music and all three stopped and started laughing and pointing at this teacher.  I advised them to stop because that’s not nice. One of the students covered his mouth and he was getting ready to say she is “fat”.  I had to hush him up and pass by her quickly. I started to not to have a conversation with him because of him being in special ed, but he knew exactly what he was doing.  I pulled him to the side when we got to music and said that his actions weren’t nice. We have to be mindful of the things we say and do. I reminded him that we must say nice things to people regardless of how they look.  I advised him that we all come in different shapes and sizes. As an anti-bias educator, I would support the discussion by showing pictures of people of all different sizes. However, we must accept people of all body types.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation

Heterosexism is a topic that you have to be mindful of the things you say. I try not to assume anything about people because I really don’t like to prejudge people before I get to know them. I assume that in certain situation that same sex couples will not make good parents. The reason I say that is because I believe it’s harder to explain to a child why they have two mothers or fathers.  How do you explain that to a child?  I think that it’s just like men in the past that did not permit women to work in certain professions, because they felt those jobs where only for men.  Homosexuality and being transgender are very touchy topics.  There have been so many issues surrounding the LGBT community.  I wasn’t aware of the LGBT community until my husband starting telling me about it.  He works in social services  so his clients kept him abreast of everything that went on.  I don’t know anyone personally in the LGBT community.  However, there are always issues surrounding the LGBT community on the news.  The challenges that I know about surrounding the LGBT community is that they want to have the same rights as heterosexual.  I used to work for an agency that issued drivers license.  When the new law passed about same sex marriage that created a lot of controversy.  We had couples wanting to change their name to something that we couldn’t legally do.  We kept running into this issue but we had to politely explain the same rules apply to everyone.  We would like to help everyone but in some situations our hands are tired. I personally don’t think LGBT individuals should not be permitted in early childhood settings. The most important issue is the children we serve.  How a person live their life outside that setting is totally up to them.  This information shouldn’t even be shared with anyone for people to prejudge.  I feel like regardless of your preference don’t push that on other’s.  How you chose to live your life is totally up to you, but please don’t expect everyone to agree with that lifestyle. I may not agree with that lifestyle, but I will still speak and be respectful with you. I feel that early childhood centers should avoid any material depicting gay or lesbian lifestyles because you don't know a parents belief. It should be left up to parents whether or not they want to introduce that information to their child.  There is a time and place for everything.