Sunday, January 29, 2017

Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation

Heterosexism is a topic that you have to be mindful of the things you say. I try not to assume anything about people because I really don’t like to prejudge people before I get to know them. I assume that in certain situation that same sex couples will not make good parents. The reason I say that is because I believe it’s harder to explain to a child why they have two mothers or fathers.  How do you explain that to a child?  I think that it’s just like men in the past that did not permit women to work in certain professions, because they felt those jobs where only for men.  Homosexuality and being transgender are very touchy topics.  There have been so many issues surrounding the LGBT community.  I wasn’t aware of the LGBT community until my husband starting telling me about it.  He works in social services  so his clients kept him abreast of everything that went on.  I don’t know anyone personally in the LGBT community.  However, there are always issues surrounding the LGBT community on the news.  The challenges that I know about surrounding the LGBT community is that they want to have the same rights as heterosexual.  I used to work for an agency that issued drivers license.  When the new law passed about same sex marriage that created a lot of controversy.  We had couples wanting to change their name to something that we couldn’t legally do.  We kept running into this issue but we had to politely explain the same rules apply to everyone.  We would like to help everyone but in some situations our hands are tired. I personally don’t think LGBT individuals should not be permitted in early childhood settings. The most important issue is the children we serve.  How a person live their life outside that setting is totally up to them.  This information shouldn’t even be shared with anyone for people to prejudge.  I feel like regardless of your preference don’t push that on other’s.  How you chose to live your life is totally up to you, but please don’t expect everyone to agree with that lifestyle. I may not agree with that lifestyle, but I will still speak and be respectful with you. I feel that early childhood centers should avoid any material depicting gay or lesbian lifestyles because you don't know a parents belief. It should be left up to parents whether or not they want to introduce that information to their child.  There is a time and place for everything.