Saturday, January 30, 2016

My Connections to Play


<b>Quotes</b> About Children Learning Through <b>Play</b> Theme: <b>play</b> where learning

<b>Play</b> <b>Quotes</b> on Pinterest | <b>Quotes About Play</b>, Connection <b>Quotes</b> and ...

My favorite childhood items to play with.

<b>Barbie</b>™ 2015 Holiday Doll - <b>African</b> <b>American</b> -

Clipart image of three stick girls jumping <b>rope</b>. This <b>jump rope</b> stock ...
Jump Rope

Roller <b>skates</b> Icon | Real Vista Sports Iconset | Iconshock


The Role of Play in my Childhood

Play was very important in my childhood.  My parents and aunts encouraged play everyday.  When I was growing up I would stay outside until it was time for the street lights to come on.  I loved playing outside with my cousins.  We would ride our bikes, skate, and jump rope.  I loved board games, jacks and pick up sticks.  Play taught me how to work as a team, share, communicate, and it helped build self confidence.  I loved to play with my barbie dolls, and play school with my imaginary friends too.  I really feel like play made me the person I am today.

Play Today

Play today is a lot different from when I was growing up.  Children these days don't play outside like I used to.  Unfortunately play is diminishing because of technology.  There are so many technology toys and games that children have no interest in playing outside.  I think technology is actually hindering children more than it’s helping them.  Technology is making children lazy because they don’t know how to think for themselves, they don’t want to play outside or play anything that doesn’t revolve around technology.

Play Throughout Life

Play has changed so much throughout my life.  Play is still very important in child development.  Play helps children develop mentally, physically and socially. Play is essential for adults too. Play helps us come out of our comfort zone and participate in activities that we didn't like as a child.   I still like playing board games.  Board games keep me feeling young at heart.  I hope that as time go on we get back to realizing how important play is.  Play is going to make us a lot healthier and happier.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Relationship Reflection

Relationships are important to me because you learn a lot about yourself and the person you’re in a relationship with.  Relationships help you take a good look at yourself and help you understand who you really are.  I feel like you first have to know yourself before you can truly have a positive relationship with someone else. There are several people in my life that I have positive relationships with. This section is dedicated to the main people in my life who helped mold and shape me into the beautiful woman I am today.  I am an only child.  My mother raised me as a single parent until I was 12.  I knew my biological father, but he was never around during my childhood.  My mom married my step-father (pictured below), and he is the father figure that has been in my life.  My mom has been my rock.  She has given me so much guidance throughout the years. We have a bond that can’t ever be broken.  If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t be able to be the nurturing mother I am to my girls. 

                         Mom & Dad

My mom has five sisters.  They are pictured below. My aunts are all like sisters to me. I can laugh and talk with them about anything.  They all gave me advice when I got married, and had my first child.  I am so thankful to have all of these ladies in my life. The relationships formed with my aunts have truly made me appreciate and value life and family.

Aunt Savannah, Aunt Ednalene, Aunt Dorothy, Aunt Gennetter, Mom, Aunt Jackie

This last section is dedicated to my wonderful husband (pictured below).  Our relationship started when we met in college in 1999.  We got married in 2003. He has been my biggest supporter next to my mom.  If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have the patience I have today.  Our relationship has taught me to communicate, listen, trust and be honest no matter the outcome.  I am the only child so it was hard to open up and let him be the provider for me.  I was so used to doing everything on my own.  He has truly made me a better person. 

It hasn't been easy having positive relationships over the years.  The good thing about family is we can agree to disagree and still be close as if nothing ever happened.  The experiences that we shared has only made us stronger.  I feel like these positive relationships will impact my work in early childhood because I can adapt and adjust to any situation.  I am now a better listener, and I can take criticism with no hard feelings.