This section is dedicated to the people in my life who helped mold and shape me into the beautiful woman I am today. I am an only child. My mother raised me as a single parent until I was 12. I knew my biological father, but he was never around during my childhood. My mom married my step-father (pictured below), and he is the father figure that has been in my life. My mom has been my rock. She has given me so much guidance throughout the years. I need more than a page to tell you guys how great she is.
Mom and Dad
My mom has five sisters. They are pictured below. They all played a major role in my childhood.
My aunts all nurtured and cared for me in their own special way. They would pick me up during the week and weekends so I could spend time with my cousins. By me being the only child, my cousins and I were very close. Aunt Dorothy would pick all of us up every Saturday to take us skating. I still remember those skating events like they were yesterday. We had so much fun, and those outings made us work together as a team and depend on each other. She would always give us advice on school, and respecting ourselves and others. Aunt Jackie is the youngest sister, and everybody says that's my twin. She watched me a lot when I was younger, and I always wanted to go places with her. As I got older, I would babysit her children. My adventures in babysitting taught me how to be responsible, and make money at an early age. My aunts are all like sisters to me now. I can laugh and talk with them about anything. They all gave me advice when I got married, and had my first child. I am so thankful to have all of these ladies in my life.

Aunt Savannah, Aunt Ednalene, Aunt Dorothy, Aunt Gennetter, Mom, Aunt Jackie